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I would like to talk about Aizuchi. What is Aizuchi?? It is to verbal or non-verbal responses while someone is speaking. (While listening to someone you nod for example)
In the conversation, there are many times when they will make a brief interjaction such as like “oh really?” or “uh huh”. That lets their speakers to know they are listening what they are being told. When there is no Aizuchi, all Japanese feel nervous. So, let`s make people feel comfortable to talk using Aizuchi when you speak Japanese. If you are good at using Aizuchi, you are good listner.
私たちは会話の中で短い返事をよくします.英語だと“oh really?” や “uh huh” みたいな。相づちは「今あなたの話を聞いてるよ」ということを相手に示すためのものです。相づちが無いと日本人は不安になります。ですから、皆さんも日本語を話す時は、相づちを使いましょう。「聞き上手」は「相づち上手」です。
例)はい Yes
うん Yeah
そうですか Is that so?
そうですね I see/that`s right
そうなんだ Oh! I see
なるほど I understand
えー!? what!?
ふーん I am kind of surprised
these are really common responses that listeners gives during conversation in Japan. The best way to get used to it is to look up a conversation on Youtube and listen to the mannerisms and the way that people respond when they are having a conversation in japanese.
A common mistake that foreigners often make with Aizuchi is that when a Japanese person respond with 「そうですね」or「はい」.it does not necessarily mean that they are saying “Yes” or “That`s right”. It means that they are just listening to you. It is not necessarily a reflection of their opnion. So be careful. Lol